2015 Drilling Update
2015 drilling is well underway! Executive Director, Buey Tut, and In-Country Director, Beatrice Safari spent the first three months of the year overseeing drilling projects at six sights throughout South Sudan. “This has been our most successful mission, to date,” said Tut. Though Buey has returned to the States, Beatrice continues to oversee the construction of an additional four wells. Of the completed six wells, three were constructed through Aqua-Africa’s partnership with the Wayne Rotary, and the other three were completed through the United Peace and Development Project (UPDP) with Water for South Sudan. The additional four planned wells will also be constructed under the UDPD partnership. Once completed, these ten wells will provide water for 5,000 villagers throughout Central Equatoria and Warrap State.
Aqua-Africa will not be slowing down any time soon. “2015 is going to be our biggest year yet,” says Tut. Aqua-Africa has been working with Omaha engineering partners Lamp, Rynearson & Associates to craft a large water tank delivery system, which will be called the Village Supplier. True to its name, the Village Supplier will have the capacity to provide a village of 5,000 people with clean water. “We’ve been developing this vision for over a year now, and this will be the year we finally launch the project in to action.”
Though off to a great start, the success of this year is deeply connected to our supporters and donors. “We believe in the power of changing lives through clean water, and it is our hope that our passion is also manifested in our supporters.” To get on board with Aqua-Africa’s mission, click “Donate” or Like our Facebook page.