2020 Annual Reports Mailed!

Following is a link to our 2020 annual report.
Last year, when I distributed our 2019 annual report, I shared my excitement about “New Beginnings” and plans for a water and power project in Maiwut Town, Upper Nile State, South Sudan. At that time, I had no idea we were headed into a very deadly global pandemic that would impact our lives in so many unexpected and unpleasant ways.
In Omaha, our team entered into temporary quarantine at the direction of local leaders. Public schools and youth organizations closed their doors. In-person meetings with donors and others were cancelled, and our fundraising events were cancelled, delayed or significantly altered.
In South Sudan, travel and border crossing restrictions were imposed between states for all but “essential workers.” Meanwhile, our team raced to obtain essential worker permits and to redirect their efforts in support of the South Sudan government’s overall Covid-19 response. Our planned project in Maiwut was deferred in favor of Covid-19 relief efforts in Nimule, South Sudan at the Nimule Hospital.
It has been a year filled with great challenge, but also great opportunity. You will read about these in our report.
Significantly, last month, Aqua-Africa’s Board approved our entry into a Teaming Agreement with another organization to jointly compete for USAID grant funding. The grant will fund a major water, sanitation and health program in 13 South Sudan counties over the next 5 years. If our application prevails, Aqua-Africa’s “MicroDemocracy program” will become the primary method taught for governance of these USAID water projects. We are excited and hopeful it will someday become the country’s accepted water utility governance standard.
Your financial support makes our work possible, and we are incredibly grateful to you. Thank you.
Enjoy the report!
Respectfully Yours,
Buey Ray Tut, Executive Director