Nimule Hospital Upgrade Completed

In spite of 2020’s many challenges, the Aqua-Africa team is thankful for its many donors, volunteers and supporting organizations. In the midst of a global pandemic, the team has been able to continue its clean water work in South Sudan in spite of temporary quarantines, delayed airline flights, and supply line disruptions. We are blessed!
In early November, Aqua-Africa held a ribbon cutting ceremony for its “Covid-19 Clean Water Response” to Nimule Hospital and the surrounding community. This project provided running water and a new septic system for the hospital’s wards, and three water points and increased pumping capacity that is able to serve 2,500 more residents.
South Sudan’s Director General to the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, Peter Mahal Akat, traveled from the capital city of Juba to Nimule to take part in the ribbon cutting ceremony. The Director General was accompanied by Rotarians, partner organizations, government officials (local and national) as well as community leaders. “Although they (Aqua-Africa) are small team, they are doing big things,” said the Director General to the local press “As a government representative, I have to do my level best to support their commitment to our nation,” he said.
Aqua-Africa’s Project Officer, Ukuch Gabriel flipped the power switch to bring the upgraded “Village Supplier” water system on-line. Executive Director Buey Ray Tut watched nervously from the newly constructed solar array. The array contains 32 solar panels and provides 10 KW of power to the 50-thousand-liter capacity water tower’s pump. The amazing sound of water pumping from the borehole, made its way through the expectant crowd causing cheers and great excitement.