Village Supplier Water Towers

In 2014, Aqua-Africa was approached by civil engineer, Mike McMeekin, the then CEO of Lamp, Rynearson Engineering about the construction of solar-powered “Village Supplier” water towers as an alternative to the hand-pump water solutions being provided by the organization. Mr. McMeekin’s proposal made a lot of sense. The high capacity water production rates, durability of the infrastructure, and reliance on renewable (solar) energy for pumping just made sense. Such systems would last up to 20 years, and be less susceptible to the breakdown and outages associated with mechanical pumps.
Executive Director Buey Tut and Operations Director Dana Bradfield created a new vision for the organization, and a change in strategic direction. Going forward, the organization would focus exclusively on Village Supplier towers as suggested by Mr. McMeekin.
Since 2014, the organization has implemented 7 Village Supplier water utility systems. The system’s galvanized steel tanks are sourced from Nairobi, Kenya. Solar panels, submersible pumps, tap stands, pipes and other electrical components are sourced from reliable vendors in the capitol city, Juba. Aqua-Africa has developed strong relationships with several South Sudan firms with whom they contract to complete construction under Aqua-Africa’s in-person job site review and supervision.
Pictured are Tut and Bradfield reviewing a rendering of a Village Supplier produced by Lamp, Rynearson Engineering.