How to Help

A drop in the bucket is what we're looking for

Aqua-Africa’s mission depends on the financial support we receive from our donors. Tackling the water shortage in South Sudan requires a ground swell of support and contributions of all sizes are welcomed and appreciated. Whether a donation amounts to a drop, a bucket, or a reservoir, it represents another step in achieving our goals.

Our Vision

Aqua-Africa sees a South Sudan where communities expect water, sanitation, hygiene, and energy (WASH+E) as a necessary part of their lives.

Our Mission

To provide reliable access to clean water, sanitation, hygiene, and energy (WASH+E) to communities of South Sudan, create community-led institutions to manage services and, support the enabling environment to ensure sustainability.

Our Impact

Since 2011, Aqua-Africa has drilled twenty-five wells in South Sudan and constructed seven water towers, and as a result saved residents thousands of collective hours manually transporting water. In the villages we’ve touched, those hours are now spent attending school, growing crops, and organizing elections.

In Omaha, Aqua-Africa's founder and team have visited over 30 schools and youth organizations telling the Aqua-Africa story and their experiences as immigrant Americans. Thousand of students have heard their impactful message.

Our Aqua-Africa U.S. Support Team

Mabior Acouth

Aqua-Africa's Executive Director, Mabior ("Mo") is an immigrant and South Sudanese refugee. Mabior is experienced in customer service, planning and logistics having worked in the Nebraska, USA beef industry for many years. Mabior served as a volunteer for Aqua-Africa for many years, before becoming an employee in January of 2019. For the past 3 years Mabior has provided management and guidance to the Juba office staff while also managing new projects and coordinating the maintenance actions required to keep existing water systems installed by Aqua-Africa operational.

Dana Bradfield

Aqua-Africa's Operations Director, Dana is a long-time Omaha resident, having worked in the information technology field in the financial services industry for 41 years, 30+ in a management role. Dana joined the Aqua-Africa team in 2013 and supports the organization's back-office functions including procedure development, bookkeeping, tax preparation, and fundraising/event planning functions. Dana organizes and directs the annual "Build A Hut" STEM competition event that Aqua-Africa hosts. "I've been blessed to help Aqua-Africa save lives and boost the standard of living for people living in extreme poverty", says Dana.

Buey Ray Tut

Aqua-Africa's founder, Buey Tut, serves as a part time advisor and volunteer to the organization. He was born in South Sudan in a small village called Maiwut. Along with his family, Buey immigrated to the United States as a refugee at the age of 11. While attending University of Nebraska Omaha, he and his childhood friend, Co-Founder Jacob Khol, decided they wanted to help their homeland. They founded Aqua-Africa with plans to transform the way in which aid is administered to underdeveloped nations. Buey is a graduate of University of Nebraska Omaha. He majored in Economics and Political Science.

Our Aqua-Africa South Sudan Team

Taban Beneai Ruba

Taban Beneai Ruba, Supervises the security and maintenance of Aqua-Africa's Nzara, South Sudan compound. He oversees two part-time security officers who protect the compound. Mr. Ruba also reports on the status of the community's Village Supplier system and coordinates repairs when required. He maintains the compound grounds and grows productive crops year round.

Emelda Ifere John

Emelda Ifere John is Office Manager at the Juba, South Sudan headquarters. Emelda holds a Bachelors Degree in International Relations from Kenya Methodist University. The newest member of the Aqua-Africa team, Emelda has strong administrative skills and provides support to the Juba Office staff with skill and patience. We appreciate her organized approach.