How to Help

A drop in the bucket is what we're looking for

Aqua-Africa’s mission depends on the financial support we receive from our donors. Tackling the water shortage in South Sudan requires a ground swell of support and contributions of all sizes are welcomed and appreciated. Whether a donation amounts to a drop, a bucket, or a reservoir, it represents another step in achieving our goals.


  • Influx of People

    April 28, 2023 – Upper Nile State, and the border city of Palouch, are experiencing a tremendous influx of people. Most are fleeing the fighting taking place in Khartoum and Darfur. Nearly 15,000 crossed the border during April, carrying what belongings they were able to transport. The article that follows …

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  • Sudan War Impact

    April 21, 2023 – Over the past 2 weeks, tense fighting has been taking place in the capitol city of Khartoum, Sudan, as disputes over government control have exploded between the country’s most prominent two generals. While this dispute is taking place in its northern neighbor, South Sudan is not …

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  • Flooding Disaster

    April 19, 2023 – In mid-April, ABC News anchor David Muir traveled to South Sudan to witness and report on the incredible unfolding flooding disaster resulting from climate change. Mr Muir traveled to Bentiu, a community in the northern part of the country. A link to his remarkable report, and …

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  • 2022 Annual Reports Mailed

    March 14, 2023

    Greetings! Enclosed below is our 2022 annual report. As you flip through the pages, we hope you will share the excitement we are feeling. 

    In Omaha, we’re partnering with other organizations and Omaha businesses to hold an annual youth summer camp and competition that supports our mission of “bridging …

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  • 2021 Annual Reports Mailed

    March 14, 2022

    Enclosed is our 2021 annual report.

    As you flip through the pages, you will read about the significant “positioning” we have done to accomplish both our local Omaha and international missions. Partnerships were established, teams were formed, workplans and budgets prepared, contracts negotiated, and materials ordered. The real ‘results’ …

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  • Omaha Youth Program Takes Shape

    OMAHA Neb –Aqua-Africa is thrilled to announce its partnership with Nebraska 4-H in the development of a science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) summer camp curriculum that will have lasting impact on Omaha youth. The Nebraska 4-H and Extension office team has garnered educator talent from the Nebraska University System …

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