How to Help

A drop in the bucket is what we're looking for

Aqua-Africa’s mission depends on the financial support we receive from our donors. Tackling the water shortage in South Sudan requires a ground swell of support and contributions of all sizes are welcomed and appreciated. Whether a donation amounts to a drop, a bucket, or a reservoir, it represents another step in achieving our goals.


Christian Peace Conference

February 29, 2024 – Maiwut, South Sudan. Today, the residents of Maiwut turned out for a Christian Peace Conference. During ceremonies, Aqua-Africa was recognized by Maiwut county and Upper Nile State officials, and thanked for its provision of clean water and WASH training to the community. #cleanwater #SDG6 #WASH #Africa …

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Project Funding Sought!

October 1, 2024 – Nzara, South Sudan. Today, two galvanized steel water towers were delivered to Aqua-Africa’s compound in Nzara County. These towers were fabricated by Steelstopes LTD in Nairobi, Kenya and were transported to Nzara from that plant. During 2024 and 2025 two new solar-powered Village Supplier Utility Systems …

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Women’s Empowerment

Reducing water transportation time is one of the most significant things we can do to empower women in developing countries.

In Maiwut, South Sudan Aqua-Africa worked with community leaders to determine optimal water point placement. Over 2 1/2 miles of water lines were laid to these locations. Thousands of hours …

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