Aqua-Africa’s mission depends on the financial support we receive from our donors. Tackling the water shortage in South Sudan requires a ground swell of support and contributions of all sizes are welcomed and appreciated. Whether a donation amounts to a drop, a bucket, or a reservoir, it represents another step in achieving our goals.
The 5th annual Aqua-Run event was held in Elmwood Park on August 14th. Nearly 20 team competed, including this very adorable underage team that deserved special recognition for being the youngest participants.
Besides bringing attention to the trials women and girls face in developing countries while gathering and transporting water, the …
Following is a link to our 2020 annual report.
Last year, when I distributed our 2019 annual report, I shared my excitement about “New Beginnings” and plans for a water and power project in Maiwut Town, Upper Nile State, South Sudan. At that time, I had no idea we were headed …
Thank you again to all who attended the first ever Just Us Walk event held by Aqua-Africa on September 5th. “This was, without a doubt, the premier social justice UNITY event held in Omaha in the last 20 years!” said one attendee.
Your donations will help further our international clean water …
On September 21st Aqua-Africa’s Program Director, Mabior Acouth, traveled to Lyons, Nebraska to participate in the “2020 Bioblitz Event” with students from Lyons-Decatur Northeast High School. Using demographic data collected by Aqua-Africa, the students compared their life experiences to those of youth living in Maiwut, South Sudan. The students teamed …
For the past several years, Aqua-Africa has held a fundraiser and 10-kilometer water relay race, “The Aqua-Run.” With a racially and culturally diverse group of participants, the Aqua-Run event is something we have looked forward to hosting each year. Unfortunately, in 2020, we do not believe we can safely hold …
Come join us! It is time for some golf!!
For the second year in a row our friend, Jacob Stroh, from Farm Bureau Financial Services is hosting a fundraiser for Aqua-Africa. The event will be held Friday, August 28, 2020 at the Ashland Golf Club (west of Ashland, Nebraska) with an …